Exclusive Gold Medallion Rewards in Season 1 | Soul Knight Prequel

Season 1 Gold Medallion Rewards

Season 1 Gold Medallion Rewards

Season 1 of Soul Knight Prequel is drawing to a close, but before you close the book on this epic adventure, are you sure you’ve claimed all the gold? Let’s take a closer look at the exclusive rewards waiting for players who snag the Gold Medallion, the ultimate season pass.

Skin & Decor:

  • Female Skin: Embrace grace and power with a stunning new female skin, ready to conquer dungeons in style.
  • Male Skin: For the warriors out there, a masculine skin awaits, radiating strength and determination.
  • Legendary Skin: Inspired by the Dharmapala, powerful guardians in Buddhism, this legendary skin exudes an aura of divinity.


  • Temple Transformation: Forget the ordinary, your house is now a temple! Bask in the serene atmosphere of this unique decoration.
  • Furniture Set: Complete the temple theme with a matching furniture set, creating a truly divine living space.

Legendary Pets:

  • At level 50 and 55: Two legendary pets join your ranks! These mystical creatures have a taste for Devil Fruits, fueling their extraordinary abilities.
  • Skill Boost: Their skill provides invaluable support, increasing resistance for your allies while weakening enemies’ defenses.
  • Level Up Power: At level 5, your allies’ resistance receives a significant boost of 4, making them even tougher nuts to crack.

Remember: This is just a glimpse of the many rewards available with the Gold Medallion. Play the game to discover everything that awaits and claim your rightful place among the season’s champions.

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1. What are the different tiers of rewards in Season 1?

  • The Gold Medallion is the highest tier, offering exclusive skins, decorations, pets, and skill boosts. However, there are also free rewards available for all players throughout the season.

2. How do I obtain the Gold Medallion?

  • You can purchase the Gold Medallion with in-game currency or through special offers.

3. Are the legendary pets included in the Gold Medallion permanent?

  • Yes, once you unlock the legendary pets at levels 50 and 55, they are permanently added to your collection.

4. What does the “increased resistance” do for my allies?

  • It makes them more resilient to enemy attacks, reducing the damage they take.

5. Do I need to reach level 55 to benefit from the pet’s skill?

  • No, the resistance boost for your allies activates at level 5, regardless of the pet’s level.

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