Soul Knight Prequel | NEW Druid Skill (Herbalist + Animancer), Everything You Need to Know

NEW Druid Skill: Everything You Need to Know

The latest update of Soul Knight Prequel introduces a new class, the Druid. Combining the skills of a herbalist and an animancer, the Druid has a unique gameplay experience, summoning spirits and transforming into a formidable bare spirit to actively engage in combat.

New Druid Skill

The Druid Skill in Soul Knight Prequel

The Druid class in Soul Knight Prequel stands out for its fusion of herbalist and animancer abilities. Not only does it summon spirits and beasts for support, but it also transforms into a bare spirit, adding a dynamic element to the gameplay.

Passive Skills

Druid class Skills

Wild Heart: A Poisonous Power

Wild Heart: A Poisonous Power

The first passive skill, Wild Heart, unleashes the power of poison. Any damage dealt when attacking an enemy afflicted with the poison ailment is converted into poison damage. This unique skill adds a strategic layer to gameplay, encouraging players to strategically utilize poison for maximum impact.

Tenacity: Strength in Adversity

Tenacity: Strength in Adversity

Tenacity, the second passive skill, provides bonuses to strength and life regen when damaged. This resilience in the face of adversity makes the Druid a formidable force on the battlefield, with the ability to withstand and retaliate against enemy attacks.

Overwhelm: Crushing Blow

Overwhelm: Crushing Blow

Overwhelm, the third passive skill, amps up the damage output. When attacking, the Druid deals additional damage to enemies based on their current life percentage. The cooldown is reduced when using the Beastmorph Elixir, adding a strategic element to combat.

Active Skills

Call of the Pack: Spirits Unleashed

Call of the Pack: Spirits Unleashed

The first active skill, Call of the Pack, summons spirit wargs to assist the Druid in combat. Frost Warg spirits and Wilder Warg spirits provide valuable support, enhancing the player’s offensive capabilities.

Avatar of Ursok: Guardian Bear Unleashed

Avatar of Ursok: Guardian Bear Unleashed

In the second active skill, Avatar of Ursok, the Druid transforms into a conduit for a powerful Guardian Bear spirit. This transformation not only locks all mana but also significantly increases base stats based on minion power. A game-changer in intense battles.

Invasive Growth: Nature’s Wrath Unleashed

Invasive Growth: Nature’s Wrath Unleashed

With Invasive Growth, the Druid can summon a field of Choke Vines, ensnaring and continuously attacking enemies within range. This skill adds a strategic dimension to controlling the battlefield, creating opportunities for effective crowd control.

Beastmorph Elixir: Unleashing Inner Beast

Beastmorph Elixir: Unleashing Inner Beast

The fourth active skill, Beastmorph Elixir, allows the Druid to ingest a potent potion, greatly increasing attack speed. This skill opens up new avenues for dynamic and fast-paced gameplay, making the Druid class a thrilling choice for players who prefer agile combat styles.

Potential Builds in Soul Knight Prequel

The Druid’s diverse skill set opens up possibilities for different builds. Whether focusing on poison damage, resilience, or summoning abilities, players will have the exciting task of experimenting to find the playstyle that suits them best. The anticipation for the official release builds as players speculate on the potential combinations of skills for maximum effectiveness.


In conclusion, the new Druid class in Soul Knight Prequel introduces a refreshing gameplay experience. With a fusion of herbalist and animancer skills, the Druid’s unique abilities, both passive and active, promise an exciting and strategic approach to combat. The potential for various builds adds an element of unpredictability, keeping players engaged and eager for the official release.

I hope this article was helpful for you guys, and if I get more information, I will upload a new article. If I forgot something, please let me know in the comment section or contact us. Please support the Tech_DIY team by sharing this article.


1. Can the Druid class summon multiple spirits at once?

Yes, the Call of the Pack skill allows the Druid to summon multiple spirit wargs simultaneously for combat support.

2. How does the Beastmorph Elixir affect gameplay?

Ingesting the Beastmorph Elixir significantly increases the Druid’s attack speed, providing a burst of agility during combat.

3. Are there any specific strategies for utilizing Choke Vines in combat?

Utilize invasive growth strategically to control the battlefield, ensnaring and continuously attacking enemies within range.

4. Can the Guardian Bear spirit be targeted by enemies?

While in the Avatar of Urok state, the Guardian Bear spirit serves as a powerful ally and is not directly targeted by enemies.

5. When can players expect the official release of the Druid class?

The official release date for the Druid class is yet to be announced, creating anticipation and excitement within the gaming community.

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