How to Defeat La Peste in Tides of Terror World Event | Skull and Bones

How to Defeat La Peste in Tides of Terror World Event

La Peste
Defeat La Peste in Tides of Terror

In Season 1 of Skull and Bones, Raging Tides unleashes The Tides of Terror World Event, a co-op battle against Philippe La Peste, The Plague King. The desired La Peste Locker with random rewards and exclusive treasure map items.

The Plague King Attack

La Peste (The Plague King) wields toxic attacks. Equip the Wailing Ward Armor Upgrade for resistance, and consider using La Peste Schematics I to reveal enemy weak points.

How to Get the Wailing Ward Armor

The Welling Ward armor, which is available under Master at rank 20 by completing missions, contracts, and engaging in naval combat, also with a unique discount coupon for silver items.

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Wailing Ward Armor Perks

  • Reduces toxic damage by 50%.
  • Decreases crew stamina depletion by 40%.

Even the most potent poisons barely scratch the surface, making this armor ideal for hazardous situations.

How to Fight

  • Circle and dodge La Peste’s attacks while maintaining speed.
  • Utilize the new mortar for damage, prioritizing dodging over continuous fire.
  • Cooperation is key! Coordinate with fellow players for victory.

Observe the Best

Observe experienced players and learn visual cues to differentiate healing items during resource scarcity. Every encounter offers valuable lessons.


Opening explosive items while circling La Peste can contribute to victory. Exploring chests yields loot like Wake Rosel Cloth, Poppy, Blue Lotus, and Opium, possibly for completing random quests.

Random Quests

Expect battles against random ships with rewards like ship cosmetics and Plague’s Wake. Completing the “10 Left P’s Locker” challenge can be tedious, but with continuous effort and play, you can achieve the goal.


This is just the beginning! As you navigate through the raging tides of season 1, hone your skills, collaborate with fellow pirates, and conquer the seas, you will become a great player.

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1. What is the Tides of Terror world event?

  • It’s a server-wide co-op battle in Season 1 where you fight Philippe La Peste, the Plague King.

2. How do I prepare for La Peste?

  • Equip the Wailing Ward’s armor to counter his toxic attacks. Consider using La Peste Schematics I to reveal enemy weak points.

3. What’s the key to defeating La Peste?

  • Maintain speed while circling, utilize the new mortar strategically, and cooperate with other players.

4. What are the rewards for defeating La Peste?

  • You gain access to the La Peste Locker with random rewards and exclusive treasure map items.

5. What other challenges can I expect?

  • Expect random ship battles with rewards, and while grinding the “10 Left P’s Locker” can be tedious, greater challenges and rewards await.
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